Who is the authority? Authority control in a linked data environment
Jing Wang
Slides available at JHU Library
This presentation discusses the challenges of managing institutional scholarship information and opportunities for metadata specialist based on the experience of VIVO implementation at Johns Hopkins University. VIVO is an open source, semantic-web tool for research and scholarship discovery. Emerging tools enable participants to visualize research activity, discover linkages between people, programs, funding, scholarly works, events and more.
The presentation will start with a short introduction to VIVO, and present several challenges of identifying authoritative data source, establishing institutional data model, breaking the silos of various internal data systems, and identity management. The goal of this presentation is to start the dialog on the role of metadata specialist and data librarian in facilitating data interoperability, exchange, discovery, and usability.
Jing Wang is System Integration Engineer at the Systems Department, Sheridan Libraries, Johns Hopkins University. Responsible for Library Management Systems integration and serve as technical lead for VIVO implementation at Johns Hopkins University