The Inside-Out Research Library: Managing Research Output Beneficially

Peter van der Togt & Peter van Boheemen

Slides available at SlideShare

Traditionally libraries have given much attention to the careful registration of meta data for shelved publications that were acquired for internal use.
When research libraries got involved in creating repositories for storage and description of locally produced publications, they were satisfied with sloppy meta data according to poor schemes. Many libraries were not even interested in producing good meta data records and left the description of those publications in the hands of the researchers or their administration and concentrated on describing publications that had been acquired elsewhere and have been described by many others before.
Wageningen University and Research Library has invested a lot in building a local repository, reflecting all output described in a coherent way. To be of any use to research staff and management, the library realized that extra meta data had to be added to these descriptions. Meta data that are not used in traditional cataloguing systems. As one of the smallest universities in the Netherlands Wageningen University and Research Center is now the largest contributor to the Dutch national repository NARCIS
In this presentation we will show what is needed to describe local output in a way to be of any use to your local community. We will explain the problems we face with library cataloguing systems not supporting needs for local output. We will show in which way we provide extra information to research staff about their publications.

Peter van der Togt is working at Wageningen University and Research library in the Netherlands. He has been working as a CRIS manager and Repository manager. Nowadays he is involved in library innovation and is coordinating functional management of the library applications. He is now leading a project to improve the presentation and usage of Wageningen UR output.

Peter van Boheemen is working at the IT department of Wageningen University and Research Centre as a consultant for ‘Library and Search’. He is working on innovating library applications and Enterprise search solutions. He has been involved in library automation for over two decades.

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